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As the group enter Alexandria, it becomes clear that the residents are not as prepared as Rick and his group for the perils beyond the wall. However, Rick reluctantly accepts the comforts of a shower and a clean shave. Other key elements in this episode:
- Carol pretends to be helpless and weak.
- Daryl doesn't want to conform to “civilized” life
- Michonne looks to Rick for support and acceptance of their new home.
- Carl meets other teen kids and follows Enid beyond the wall
- The group is worried they'll become weak.
- Aiden has no clue, how to handle walkers and almost gets Tara killed.

Rick (Andrew Lincoln) and Carl (Chandler Riggs) defend against walkers
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Well, can Aaron be trusted? We'll find out in the next episode. After all, is anybody really safe in the zombie apocalypse? Click on the podcast player above to hear our latest podcast episode. We discuss Rick's cautiousness. The group has come across several other people who've deceived them, so they have every right to be cautious. We also see how Michonne is helping Rick deal with his distrust for all. A great episode overall and had us on the edge of our seat.

Rick relaxes when he hears children in the distance.
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Sasha, Daryl and Maggie have all lost someone they care deeply about. How will this affect them, moving forward. Well, in this episode of The Walking Dead we find out how they cope and how they relate to the rest of the group. Some highlights:
- Sasha almost gets Rick killed.
- Maggie contemplates giving up
- Daryl murmurs something
- Rick gives a motivational speech.
- Zombinado strikes!
A bunch of other things happened too, but you're gonna have to listen to our podcast to find out.

Sasha and Maggie watch sunrise
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[Spoiler Alert] This episode brings closure to a character that was very contentious among fans. Some liked him, some didn't. But many found that he could have done so much more walker damage than he did on the show.
We're back from our mid-season break and before we dive into the tv show, Jasmine breaks down what happened to her over the break. Listen to the episode to find out. We missed you guys and welcome back!

Tyreese confronts the good and the bad
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Most of our podcast listeners cried while watching this episode of The Walking Dead. Did you? Listen to this episode and find out what we thought about the mid-season finale.
- Rick continues to be a bad-ass
- Tyreese reveals he in fact did not kill Martin.
- Dawn shows us what she's capable of in order to show her dominance
- Sasha has changed
- Abraham's group returns to the church
- Gabriel, got his wakeup call but in the process almost kills Judith!
- Beth gets a last stab at Dawn.
- Morgan returns but still hasn't met the group.
Thanks for listening.
We'll be going on a break for the season with a possible bonus episode or two before the season starts up again. We love all our listeners and appreciate all the positive comments and feedback. Please support us by going over to iTunes or in your podcast app, and giving us a written review.

The closing scene of Coda