055 – Season 5 Trailer Breakdown

Getting ready for Season 5


If you let a walker soak in  water for too long. This is what happens.

If you let a walker soak in water for too long. This is what happens.

Hey everyone, thanks for hanging in there all summer. We're back and jumping into the world of The Walking Dead with a breakdown and analysis of the Season 5 trailer presented at the San Diego comic-con this past July. You can listen to the podcast by clicking the play button above or on iTunes or Stitcher.

Listener Feedback

Thanks to Cindy for sending us email feedback and got us motivated to get the podcast back up and running. Here's an excerpt from her email:

Pleeeeeeeeease do a new podcast.. I’m sure you could do a whole show on the season 5 trailer and speculations about that, heck.. I don’t even care if you talk about how your summer has gone. Your people miss you!!

Walker Stalker Con:

  • We will be attending the Atlanta Walker Stalker Con. We'll be there from the 17-20 of October.
  • On Friday Oct. 17 8pm there will be a podcasting meetup with us and a bunch of other walking dead podcasters. The venue is not certain yet but it will be close to the convention center.
  • On Monday Oct. 20. We'll be going on the Atlanta Movie Tours tour to see various Walking Dead filming locations. There are two tours that day and we'll be doing both (9:30am and 2:30pm).
  • We'll also be attending the San Francisco Walker Stalker Con on Jan 31/Feb 1 – 2015.

Season 5 Trailer Breakdown

Of course the main discussion of todays episode focuses on the analysis and breakdown of the Season 5 trailer. You can view it below:

Here's a list of quotes we broke down in the podcast, from the trailer:

  • “I just hope you understand, we didn't want to hurt you. Nothing was personal” – Gareth, to Rick.
  • “You don’t have to do this. We can put the world back to how it was. We have a man who has the cure, we just have to get him to Washington. You just have to take a chance.” – Bob to  Gareth
  • “You don’t have a choice, all of you. You join us, and we go to washington to cure this thing” – Gareth.
  • “I don’t trust this guy” – Rick
  • “We’ve all done something” – Carl
  • “When we get to washington we make the dead die and the living will have this world again” – Abraham
  • “We're not splitting up, we don't know what’s coming next” – Unknown voice.
  • “They don’t trust us anymore” – Gareth
  • “These people are my family and if you hurt them in any way, I’ll kill you” – Rick
  • “We need to leave for DC”, “We're not going anywhere without our people. – Abraham and Rick
  • “You show up and three of us are gone” – Sasha to Abraham.
  • “No matter what anyone says, no matter what you think, you, are not safe” – Rick to Carl.
  • “You don't know what is at stake!” – Abraham yelling to Rick
  • “Where are our people!” – Sasha yelling to someone.
  • “Every sacrifice we make needs to be for the greater good. In here, you're not the greater good, you're part of a system” – Police woman to Beth

Click here to view all the screen captures we used in the podcast


054 – A (S4E16-416)

The season 4 finale of The Walking Dead is upon us! What an awesome episode. We definitely focus on Rick and his arrival to Terminus. We also see a transformation the Rick character. Did any of your predictions come true?

  • Joe and the claimers catch up with Rick
  • Daryl tries to sacrifice himself to save Rick
  • Rick goes animal and uses a new “weapon” to defend himself against the claimers.
  • Even though Rick trains Carl on trying to use a trap for rabbits, he doesn't anticipate the trap that Terminus is for humans.

Both if us here at The Walking Dead Girl agree that this season 4 was the best of all the seasons so far. What do you think? Has AMC finally found a good production and writing team that can take the show into a successful season 5?

"They're screwing with the wrong people"

“They're screwing with the wrong people”


053 – Us (S4E15-415)

Jasmine's a little under the weather in this episode with allergy season in full effect. However, we manage to keep the excitement up and are looking forward to getting answers about Terminus. We both think it's bad news, but part of the group will reach it and it looks friendly so far:

  • Will Glenn find maggie? Probably.
  • Will Tara trip and fall yet again? Yes.
  • Will Eugene act all creepy and awkward? Yes.
  • Will Daryl stick with the claimers even though he can leave whenever he wants? Yes.
Glenn has hope to find Maggie

Glenn has hope to find Maggie


052 – The Grove (S4E14-414)

Listen now to hear how Jasmine feels about nuts.

  • We also see the result of Lizzie's psychotic behavior.
  • Carol and Tyreese discuss the the death of Karen.
  • We see burned walkers again, this time they're attacking the group.

A lot of issues get resolved in this episode. Finally, Lizzie did not kill Karen with Carol covering for her, so there!

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Carol Shoots Lizzie

Carol Shoots Lizzie


051 – Alone (S4E13-413)

We follow two parallel stories in this episode.

  • One story follows Sasha Bob and Maggie as they struggle to decide their next goal and if they should even pursue the possibility of Glenn being alive.
  • The other story shows us the budding relationship between Daryl and Beth, and how Daryl is growing to terms with Beth's positive and hopeful outlook on life.

We both liked this episode and wanted to see Daryl and Beth get closer and continue the relationship building. Oh well, this is The Walking Dead after all.

Daryl teaches Beth to track

Daryl teaches Beth to track